Case Studies

Case Studies

BlueRidge is a modular solution for document services, extendable with future or custom tailored services. It can easily be integrated into the existing enterprise infrastructure as it uses standard web services (SOAP over HTTP).

Any client application or web application supporting SOAP can communicate with BlueRidge. The supplied SDK contains samples of web applications as well as Windows-based applications using BlueRidge for an integrated document workflow. This section shows you a few of the companies and projects using our BlueRidge solution.


The purpose of this project is the development of an application for the online document, the Certificate of Origin. The DigiChambers solution is based on our BlueRidge platform.


This project involved the development of a web application that allows individuals or companies to submit their electronic ideas with an official registration entity, the Benelux Organization for Intellectual Property. The application uses BlueRidge for the creation of electronic signatures.


The purpose of this project was the development of a application for online request of ATA/CPD carnets, to use by entrepreneurs, Chamber of Commerce co-workers and DigiChambers members. The website allows companies to electronically fill in, submit and print a carnet. The eATA-Carnet solution is based on the BlueRidge platform.


E-invoicing supports the process of setting up, signing and maintaining contracts and invoices in electronic format. This process includes everything that is required to achieve a legally supported relationship accompanied by an electronic document.


In 2006, Belgian Chambers made a first step towards dematerialization of Certificates of Origin. Customers could apply online for a Certificate of Origin, but the certificate itself still needed to be physically transferred to the company. After a two year study and test period, Belgium is (beginning of 2009) the 3rd European country to have launched a 100% online application for issuing Certificates of Origin, enabling companies to print in their own premises the certificate bearing the official stamp and signature of the Chamber that validated the request. This application called DigiChambers (, has proven itself to be cost and time efficient. By reducing considerably the number of trips to the Chambers and its electronic archiving possibilities, DigiChambers also contributes to the environment. A company can save 50% of the normal cost by using the electronic application, and even more if it fully links DigiChambers to its own ERP system.

The security issue was tackled with the utmost care: a SSL certificate for securing data communication via the Internet and class 3 digital certificates for securing access to the platform.

DigiChambers has received the approval from the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs, the government administration responsible for Certificates of Origin in Belgium.


A simple three-step process:

1. The company sends its CO request via the DigiChambers website.

2. The Chamber validates the application and issues the Certificate of Origin online.

3. The company receives the certificate via the DigiChambers website and prints it in its own premises.

DigiChambers movie


The DigiChambers solution is based on the BlueRidge platform of D Soft.

In order to export goods to a foreign country, the exporter must obtain a Certificate of Origin issued by the Chamber of Commerce. Companies can now request Certificates of Origin electronically via DigiChambers. As such, the DigiChambers platform is an essential step in simplifying the issuance of export documents. Using this platform, entrepreneurs will have to complete a form with information about the sender, receiver, country of origin, the goods, etc. on the website. Attachments to the Certificate of Origin can be uploaded to the system.



Benelux-Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom - Benelux Office for Intellectual Property


This project involved the development of a web application that allows individuals or companies to submit their electronic ideas with an official registration entity, the Benelux Organization for Intellectual Property. We were asked to create the application using the customers preferred technology, IBM Portal Server. This resulted in the development of number of Java based portlets. These portlets provide specific functionality within the application. The process of submitting an electronic idea consists of creating an account and submitting, or uploading your information.

The application will now create an electronic envelope in PDF format and embed your content. This PDF is then sealed with a digital signature from BOIP. This signature will guarantee the integrity of the content and the authenticity of the origin during the archiving period.

The application uses BlueRidge for the creation of electronic signatures.



IBM Websphere, IBM Portal Server, Java, JSF



The i-DEPOT can serve as evidence in the event of a conflict. This means the i-DEPOT can be an important first step in your innovation process, for example in the preliminary phase of an application for a trademark, design or patent. In the course of the research and development process, moreover, the i-DEPOT serves as a convenient tool to help you secure your position. For example, combined with a confidentiality agreement the i-DEPOT offers the space you need to be able to negotiate freely with interested parties about financing and production methods for your invention.

In other words: the i-DEPOT allows you to give free rein to your creativity.


Submitting an i-DEPOT at an early stage of your innovation process provides you with a tool that will help prevent somebody else from making off with your idea. In the event of a dispute, the i-DEPOT is a fully reliable tool that allows you to prove that a certain idea, concept or process already existed on a specific day. The BOIP will register your name and the date on which you submitted your creation. You can use the i-DEPOT to register a variety of items, including:

  an idea

  a concept

  a format

  an agreement

  a document

  a prototype

  an invention

  a process

  a design


  a photograph

  a scale model

  a melody

  a drawing

  a slogan, etc.



The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property will observe secrecy with regard to your i-DEPOT and the fact that you hold it. This enables you to take your time and elaborate your idea when it suits you the best. The price of the i-DEPOT can't possibly be an objection, so there is every reason to turn registering your ideas from a good intention into a habit.



The purpose of this project was the development of a application for online request of ATA/CPD carnets, to use by entrepreneurs, Chamber of Commerce co-workers and DigiChambers members. The website allows companies to electronically fill in, submit and print a carnet.

The eATA-Carnet solution is based on the BlueRidge platform of D Soft. The application also uses BlueRidge for the creation of electronic signatures.

Click here to start the eATA-carnet application.


The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that permits the tax-free and duty-free temporary export and import of goods for up to one year. The Carnet eliminates the need to purchase temporary import bonds. The ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) administers the ATA system and its international guarantee chain.

In every country in the ATA Chain, a guaranteeing organization, approved by its Customs and the ICC World Chambers Federation, administers the operation of the ATA Carnet System. The role of a national guaranteeing organization is to guarantee to its Customs administration the payment of duties and taxes due when ATA Carnets have been misused on its territory (non or late re-exportation of goods, for instance). The national guaranteeing organization can also, with the prior consent of its Customs administration, authorize local chambers to deliver ATA Carnets on its behalf. In major trading nations, dozens of local chambers have that authority.

Within ICC WCF, a World ATA Carnet Council gathers the national guaranteeing organizations from the 74 countries where the ATA Carnet is in force today.


E-invoicing supports the process of setting-up, signing, and maintaining contracts and invoices in electronic form. This process includes everything that is required to achieve a legally supported relationship accompanied by an electronic document. These electronic messages represent a commitment of the involved parties to fulfill the defined obligations and it grants each party a corresponding right to receive a certain service, a good or a payment from the other. Electronic invoicing is a reliable, secure and cost-efficient method of handling and processing invoices in a paperless manner. It can bring significant savings to large, small and medium sized companies and facilitates migration to a paperless office and improves the quality of invoice data.

Directive 2001/115/EC clarifies the implementation of e-Invoicing in the European Union. All European countries have translated the directive into local legislation since 2004.

DocTrails can provide your company with an electronic solution, regardless of how many documents and invoices you issue. Qualified signatures can be applied to the electronic invoices and messages, such as orders, dispatch advice, etc. to provide a high level of security and are compliant with the European directives. The DocTrails solution, whether it is in-house or hosted, can offer you substantial savings while issuing invoices. With our e-invoice solution your invoice management process becomes highly efficient. Both invoice senders and recipients benefit from our electronic invoicing solution.

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In 2006, Belgian Chambers made a first step towards dematerialization of Certificates of Origin. Customers could apply online for a Certificate of Origin, but the certificate itself still needed to be physically transferred to the company. After a two year study and test period, Belgium is (beginning of 2009) the 3rd European country to have launched a 100% online application for issuing Certificates of Origin, enabling companies to print in their own premises the certificate bearing the official stamp and signature of the Chamber that validated the request. This application called DigiChambers (, has proven itself to be cost and time efficient. By reducing considerably the number of trips to the Chambers and its electronic archiving possibilities, DigiChambers also contributes to the environment. A company can save 50% of the normal cost by using the electronic application, and even more if it fully links DigiChambers to its own ERP system.

The security issue was tackled with the utmost care: a SSL certificate for securing data communication via the Internet and class 3 digital certificates for securing access to the platform.

DigiChambers has received the approval from the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs, the government administration responsible for Certificates of Origin in Belgium.


This project involved the development of a web application that allows individuals or companies to submit their electronic ideas with an official registration entity, the Benelux Organization for Intellectual Property. We were asked to create the application using the customers preferred technology, IBM Portal Server. This resulted in the development of number of Java based portlets. These portlets provide specific functionality within the application. The process of submitting an electronic idea consists of creating an account and submitting, or uploading your information.


Submitting an i-DEPOT at an early stage of your innovation process provides you with a tool that will help prevent somebody else from making off with your idea. In the event of a dispute, the i-DEPOT is a fully reliable tool that allows you to prove that a certain idea, concept or process already existed on a specific day. The BOIP will register your name and the date on which you submitted your creation. You can use the i-DEPOT to register a variety of items, including:

  an idea

  a concept

  a format

  an agreement

  a document

  a prototype

  an invention

  a process

  a design


  a photograph

  a scale model

  a melody

  a drawing

  a slogan, etc.



The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property will observe secrecy with regard to your i-DEPOT and the fact that you hold it. This enables you to take your time and elaborate your idea when it suits you the best. The price of the i-DEPOT can't possibly be an objection, so there is every reason to turn registering your ideas from a good intention into a habit.

The purpose of this project was the development of a application for online request of ATA/CPD carnets, to use by entrepreneurs, Chamber of Commerce co-workers and DigiChambers members. The website allows companies to electronically fill in, submit and print a carnet.

Click here to start the eATA-carnet application.

DocTrails can provide your company with an electronic solution, regardless of how many documents and invoices you issue. Qualified signatures can be applied to the electronic invoices and messages, such as orders, dispatch advice, etc. to provide a high level of security and are compliant with the European directives. The DocTrails solution, whether it is in-house or hosted, can offer you substantial savings while issuing invoices. With our e-invoice solution your invoice management process becomes highly efficient. Both invoice senders and recipients benefit from our electronic invoicing solution.

Click the image to read more.